Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Uncanny Radio - Snow Alert

Linda and Steve (Manwolf) hope that the premier Uncanny Radio show will kickoff as planned tomorrow evening, Wednesday, February 6, 2008, from 8-9pm Central time.

However, the storm now moving through our area is expected to dump 12-18 inches of snow on us between now and airtime.  So it's entirely possible that no one will even be able to make it into the studio.  If we're lucky, production on our "backup" show (taped earlier) will be finished before the snow closes things down.  If that gets done, there will be a show, even if no one's in the studio.  If not....

Well, we'll all just have to tune in and find out what happens.  We didn't mean to generate this kind of suspense, but sometimes events intervene.  WBSD -- www.wbsdfm.com -- streaming live.  Thanks for your enthusiasm and support!

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