Wednesday, October 8, 2008

KHAT HANSEN - October 8 & 15 Guest

Choctaw Creature legends, Manwolf attack,
Khat Hansen is an American Choctaw medicine woman or "soul eater,", an archaeologist with a degree in anthropology, and a designated teller of tribal stories. At the age of 12, she had a terrifying encounter with a vicious Manwolf in Oregon that has colored her life interests and choices ever since. She has also witnessed Bigfoot, or Shampe in Choctaw, and explains that there are several different types and describes their appearance, behavior and origins. She shares insights and stories not usually available to the public, and gives an eyewitness account that will leave listeners white-knuckled.

Visit her web page

Listen to the free webcast of Uncanny Radio 32,


Anonymous said...

Its grate that you got a native American to talk about this subject.
I didn’t know they were different types of big feet, I thought they were split up by territory.

irene13 said...

The link to Khat Hansen's web page is wrong. Can it be updated to this: Thanks

irene13 said...

I just listened to the webcast. I had to turn on all the lights in my bedroom! Great guest! I so looking forward for next week's show. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Khat Hansen was quite gripping as she told the tale of her encounter with the shape-shifter. She really made you feel that you were there with her as she was confronted by the beast. I understand why irene13 turned on the lights for this was Uncanny Radio’s scariest show to date. Thanks for the Halloween treat.

Anonymous said...

Please don't post your excellent shows on another, more reliable file host than zshare. Trying to download a file from zshare is like trying to win the lottery: extremely difficult.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Make the "please post your excellent shows on another, more reliable file host than zshare."

Stephen D. Sullivan said...

In future, our shows will be posted on Blog Talk Radio -- -- several are up already. Hope that works better for you.